MONAT - Unknot Detangler
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Unknot Detangler


Unknot Detangler

Este desenredante sin enjuague multifunción fortalece y acondiciona, mientras desenreda instantáneamente y alisa el encrespamiento, dejando el cabello suave y sedoso. 

Fórmula ligera que desenreda instantáneamente
Ayuda a mantener la humedad, la suavidad y el brillo
Protege el cabello del quiebre causado por el cepillado

Agua, Alcohol cetearílico, Alcanes de Coco, Pantenol, Extracto de Pisum Sativum (Guisante), Proteína de Prunus Amygdalus
Dulcis (Almendra dulce), Aceite de semilla de Limnanthes Alba (ESpuma de la pradera), Aceite de semilla de Crambe Abyssinica,
Aceite de semilla de Camellia Oleifera, Aceite de semilla solanum Lycopersicum (Tomate), Aceite de semilla daucus Carota
Sativa (Zanahoria), Aceite de cáscara de limón cítrico (Limón), aceite de cítricos Aurantifolia (Lima), aceite de fruta cítrico de
Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamota), Aceite de Adansonia Digitata, Aceite de fruta Mauritia Flexuosa, Aceite de Cocos Nucifera
(Coco), Extracto de Flor de Gardenia Taitensis, Aceite de semilla de Moringa Oleifera, Aceite de Fruta Caryocar Brasiliense, Aceite
de semilla de Helianthus Annuus (Girasol), Aceite de fruta de Olea Europaea (Oliva), extracto de semilla de Simmondsia Chinensis
(Jojoba), tocoferol, glicerina, glucósido de lauril, miristilo glucósido, poliglicérlico-6 laurato, cuaternio-91, miristilo miristato, cloruro
de behentrimonio, Caprilato de coco/Caprate, Cloruro de cinnamidopropiltrimonio, Palmitato de sodio, Fragancia,
Etilhexilglicerina, Alcohol bencílico, Limoneno, Linalool.

Rocía en el cabello secado con toalla, centrándose en las áreas enredadas. 
Peina como de costumbre.

No contiene
Sistemas salinos agresivos
Colores nocivos
Fragancias nocivas
Retail: $41.00
VIP: $35.00


Average rating:

(based upon 18 reviews)

Helps with damaged hair!

I started highlighting my hair again to blend in greys and my hairstylist went a little too blonde. My hair was wrecked. I was literally putting off washing it because it was so hard to detangle after a wash. I started using the detangler and like hello, thank you Monat, you have totally saved my hair!! Works great and I now no longer have to put off shampoos!

Curly hair approved

I absolutely love this stuff. I have curly hair it’s out of control, but this stuff makes it so soft and untangled and much less frizzy.
Definitely recommend it’s worth it!


This is a must have. When you're done towel drying your hair spray throughout your hair focusing on the ends. It's not necessary to barely touch the hair. Once you spray your hair your brush or con glides thru your hair without ripping& breaking your hair. A small amount goes a long way

A must for summer!

This product is a must for summer and preventing damage and breakage. I use this on myself and my kids

Nothing Compares

Im the kind of girl who loves Monat products, has tried 90% of everything Monat. I have tried things then realized the brand I was using before i liked it better or it worked better. This is not the case. This stuff works so incredibly well. My thin hair tangles just by looking at it, even leave in conditioner doesn't help with this. I could have the softest hair then step outside the wind trashes it. I cannot even begin to explain how superior this solution is compared to any other brand. I've tried them all. A little goes a long way as well. It also works well on other hair types its universal. Perfect for everyday use, a must to have in the beach, lake or pool bag for after wards. Smells amazing and doesn't grease your hair up


Can't live without it!!